Here’s to a Galloping 2014!

Here’s to a Galloping 2014!
This is the year of the horse you know You hear the hoofbeats, swish of tails? Let’s begin our dog and pony show Wrapped for no reason in rhyming bales-- As the hooves and hoove-nots of your stride From last year fade, let us recall It isn’t enough knowing how to ride We must also master how to fall Tis a foal’s errand to stirrup emotion: Memories wound to us by cable Horsin’ around is often a trojan That keeps us from things more stable As we leap o‘er the year, let us surpass All the fences that held us back Ensure that we save our...(mm, donkey) And trot our senses back on track There may be iron shoes and kinks -- But through the harness round our neck Let’s ride the saddle that challenge brings And let the neigh-sayers go to heck!

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