Wishing You a Happy Ewe Year!

Wishing You a Happy Ewe Year!
As the fleece of this year gets shorn Let's give a nod, a tip of the lid To rich endeavours that were borne And people who coulda, shoulda, and did Time flies (though unlike Malaysian airways It never really pulls wool over our eyes) So here's my ritual pun-filled graze To knit-pick and dole out yearly advice-- Were the bellwether to be seen and herd Some hard times may soon be showing; But changes, when fully observed, Tell us it's just the soft times going A twist of feta can change your scene From being the shank of a sacrificial lamb To prancing on pastures a tad more green So you must keep pushing your RAM Shepherd the things that get your goat Don't be sheeple (the way of the meek) Plan your grand visions but note That "Someday" isn't a day of the week Enter new pastures with bleating hearts The time of the hour is live-o'-clock May your health be off the charts About anything else, who gives a flock! ====================== HAPPY EWE YEAR! ======================

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