Go the Whole Hog in 2019!

Go the Whole Hog in 2019!
At another year’s corner we’ve landed Time for wishes you’ll find ham-handed But what kind of a porcine would I be Missing this chance to spread some glee? Whatever we have in our piggy bank Bet there’s much for us to thank It’s important not to stand and pout Know what is enough, what is snout Often in life’s endless shuffle We muck about ‘fore we hit the truffle Remember Babe? Let’s not be mistaken, It took grit to bring home the bacon Who knows what the future will farrow The margin for guesses is fairly narrow But life’s a sausage, this much is plain-- What you stuff in it is what it’ll contain As Piglet had said so Pooh could hear “Oh, d-d-d-dear! I musn’t f-f-f-fear!” Let this be the year you find your squeal From little moments carve a pig deal Go the whole hog in fresher quarries Grow not in years, but in stories (And if these puns are pearls to the swine Let’s just say this: you will do fine!) Wishing you and your dear ones a blessed year of the pig, 2019!

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