Pugs and Kisses for a Happy 2018!

Pugs and Kisses for a Happy 2018!
Was the year ruff, did life play fetch? And a Breakfast at Sniffany’s all you got? I know the feeling, it isn’t a stretch To think it happens more often than not Someone, it’s said, let the dogs out But the pups are now back wagging tails So it’s time for our annual bout With punny wisdom that seldom fails— “Old dogs, new tricks”, is what one says Of habits as one is defending them One of these days is none of these days Now’s the time to be amending them When you stick your neck in a window And find by wind it is blown Keep this timeless advice in tow: Why bite if a growl will get the bone? Fear is often the highest beam Get off your butt and on your feet With dogged pursuit, chase your dream Like it’s the last car on the street You’ll see if you pawsitively think And be who a dog thinks you are and more I shih-tzu not, your worries will shrink It’s canine magic: Abra-Ca-Labrador! As you say hello to these furry pooches, Give the bark side a warm embrace May you find love like their smooches Coming softly, but flooding your face Last but not leashed, there’s no doubt Of all good things for you I wish this most— May you never be out and about Stuck between a dog and a lamppost! With oodles poodles of pugs and kisses, wishing you a prosperous year of the dog..

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